Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Goodness Granny!

I was totally furious when I found out what happened to my Grams on Sunday. She already had some visitors at her condo, when a male and female came knocking on her condo door telling her they were sent to check her smoke alarm. So she nervously let them in, but like I said, she had visitors. Well they kept telling her that they needed things; a paper towel, a pen to write down some information; etc. After they left my sweet Grams felt a little uneasy, and decided to say a prayer. Shortly after this occurred, the condo office manager brought back all of her credit cards and her check book. She didn't know these were missing, because her purse was still there. Apparently these predators were on their last "mission", and had pushed their way into several other people's homes, and the condo was on alert. (It was a good thing that Grams just let them in, or she could have been hurt) The maintenance man saw these people, and chased them. As they were jumping a fence, dropped all of my Grams stuff. 4 little kids found the items, and turned them in. OF COURSE my cute little Grams totally paid them 5 bucks each for their AWESOME act of kindness.

However they didn't catch the losers that preyed on my cute Grams! So let this be a lesson to us all. Even as adults we shouldn't let strangers into the house; we should keep doors locked even when we have guests, AND more importantly: maybe I should move my purse away from my front door!!!!!!


amy said...

Your poor grandma. That's the worst thing I've heard in a long time. Some people are so mean.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's ok! I remember her from when we were little, she's a cute grandma.

Melanie Palmer said...

I thought about going to butterfeild canyon, but the kids go to school in sandy so it was closer to cottonwood canyon...right up by snowbird. Hope your family pics turn out tonight. Can't wait to see them!

The Olson Gang said...

OH my goodness!!! That is horrible! I am so glad that she is ok! PEOPLE! I surely hope that they find those predators! I am so glad that she had company - who knows what would have happened...That is also a wonderful lesson in the power of prayer! AND listening to the guidance of the Holy Ghost! I'm grateful for both... We will continue to pray for your grandmas safety as well!