Esther and Miles Barney along with Vick and Val (not sure which one's which.) Grandpa Barney the jokester. I missed most of the funeral because I was chasing Kaisey all over creation. I did however witness the bat that was in the light trying to get out. Did you have a hand in that joke grandpa? Anyhow...I was very sad that I missed the funeral, and then I stayed in the car during the graveside service because I finally got the cranky baby to sleep. I began thinking of my own grandpa as well as Grandpa Barney. I noticed one of the Soldiers standing there, and realized that he had a bugle, and was going to play Taps. I thought to myself, "I hope I can hear him in the car." Only a few minutes after that...I heard a knocking on the driver side door. I wondered what it was, so I listened again. Sure enough I heard the knock again. I opened the door to see what was hitting the door. There wasn't anything there, however when I opened the door I realized that the bugle was playing. Take it how you will....but I believe it was Grandpa Jokester Barney. Before the service Trent's cousin Mandy put together an envelope for the family to donate money if they wished to Grandma Barney. I went out to the car to get my checkbook, and Abbi wanted to come with me. She took $10 out of her wallet for Grandma. I'm so proud of her.
We love and miss you! I will always cherish the beautiful jewlery that you made just for me!
Kaisey kept going up to Grandma Barney and giving her lots of loves.
7/22/09 We were at the store and I pointed out a bedspread that I liked. Kaleb says, "Mom, that's Goth." I giggled and said asked him what he thought Goth was. He told me that "Goth means you like black."
3/30/2009 We were at Target and Kali saw a new bobble head, "Mom, I want the "cowpitter". Which is catapillar in Kali-nese.
1/15/2009 Kaleb says, "Mom, is that toy gonna come out of my paycheck?"
12/22/2008 Abbi "Hey, it's the Eve, of the Eve, of Christmas Eve!"
12/19/2008 Kaleb asked "Mom, is coloring an exercise for your hand?"
12/15/2008 Kali says, "Ooops mom...sorry it was an ACCI-DIDN'T." The funniest part, is that she's been saying that for about 3 years. I finally had to tell her that the word is ACCIDENT.
11/2/2008 Kaleb was working on his spelling words. I told him to spell 'we'. He says, "W-i-i."
I was making dinner, when Abbi says, "Mom, I need a fork," and Kaleb says, "Mom, can you get me a cup?" and Kali says, "guys, she's not an octopus!" 10/19/2008
When Kaleb was about 2, I was ordering at Sonic, and I ordered grill cheese sandwich's for the kids. Kaleb began crying, and I asked him what was wrong. He told me, "I don't want it girl cheese, I want it boy cheese!"
This lady in front of me was driving terribly. I kept saying "Lady!" Well, I finally gunned the car to go, and the drinks from McDonalds, spilled all over the car. Kali says, "Her tripped us!" Kali was 4 years old.
When Kali was 3, she found a pair of her shorts in her drawer. She put them on. It was still winter, so I told her she had to wear pants. Kali said, "I am. Little pants mom."
My husband Trent and I got married in 2000. We each came with beautiful daughters (same age) Abbigale, and Baylee. We then had 3 more together; Kaleb, Kalyssa, and Kaisey.
How sad! I'm sorry for your loss!
Thank you for posting pictures of the funeral. I was sad that we could not make it there.
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