The annual trip to Crystal Hot Springs. There were several families that went this year. It was SUCH a blast. I absolutely love hanging out with these people. :)
Camera Wars. I think I won! The Hungry Caterpillar. This thing was GINORMOUS! The markings just in front of that black line looked like eyes...and it has blue dots down its back. I tried to find out what kind of caterpillar it was but I have been unsuccessful so far. So I picked this guy up in a cup (cuz my dog was playing with it) when I put it down on the table it puffed up like that. It was making those yellow eyes (on its back) look big and scary. Kinda cool! Do you like the word COUGAR strategically placed right behind our heads? Yeah...that wasn't on purpose. But it's pretty funny.
7/22/09 We were at the store and I pointed out a bedspread that I liked. Kaleb says, "Mom, that's Goth." I giggled and said asked him what he thought Goth was. He told me that "Goth means you like black."
3/30/2009 We were at Target and Kali saw a new bobble head, "Mom, I want the "cowpitter". Which is catapillar in Kali-nese.
1/15/2009 Kaleb says, "Mom, is that toy gonna come out of my paycheck?"
12/22/2008 Abbi "Hey, it's the Eve, of the Eve, of Christmas Eve!"
12/19/2008 Kaleb asked "Mom, is coloring an exercise for your hand?"
12/15/2008 Kali says, "Ooops mom...sorry it was an ACCI-DIDN'T." The funniest part, is that she's been saying that for about 3 years. I finally had to tell her that the word is ACCIDENT.
11/2/2008 Kaleb was working on his spelling words. I told him to spell 'we'. He says, "W-i-i."
I was making dinner, when Abbi says, "Mom, I need a fork," and Kaleb says, "Mom, can you get me a cup?" and Kali says, "guys, she's not an octopus!" 10/19/2008
When Kaleb was about 2, I was ordering at Sonic, and I ordered grill cheese sandwich's for the kids. Kaleb began crying, and I asked him what was wrong. He told me, "I don't want it girl cheese, I want it boy cheese!"
This lady in front of me was driving terribly. I kept saying "Lady!" Well, I finally gunned the car to go, and the drinks from McDonalds, spilled all over the car. Kali says, "Her tripped us!" Kali was 4 years old.
When Kali was 3, she found a pair of her shorts in her drawer. She put them on. It was still winter, so I told her she had to wear pants. Kali said, "I am. Little pants mom."
My husband Trent and I got married in 2000. We each came with beautiful daughters (same age) Abbigale, and Baylee. We then had 3 more together; Kaleb, Kalyssa, and Kaisey.
1 comment:
Ha ha ha...COUGAR!! Still can't get over it! :)
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